Share Your Portfolio This ArtStation Day

Artwork by John Stone

A Celebration of the ArtStation Community

Time sure flies—it’s already been six years since the first ArtStation Day! In 2016, Gilberto Magno started the tradition of ArtStation Day when he shared a link to his ArtStation portfolio and invited other artists to do the same. Every year since then, October 26 is a day for artists to share their portfolios and connect with other members of the ArtStation community.

The first ArtStation Day post by Gilberto Magno. A screenshot of his ArtStation portfolio with a URL included.

Today we invite you to show off your artwork…and get inspired by other artists doing the same!

How to Participate in ArtStation Day

  1. Make sure you’ve shared your most up-to-date work on ArtStation, including on your portfolio, Marketplace store, and Prints store.
  2. Share a link to your portfolio on social media, making sure to include the hashtag #ArtStationDay so people can find you.

A Look Back at ArtStation Day 2021

Thank you all for making the ArtStation community so amazing.

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