Ancient Civilizations Challenge: Updates & Getting Started

The ArtStation Ancient Civilizations Challenge is now underway and so far, we can’t believe the amount of talent and creativity we’ve seen in just one week!

It’s always interesting to see your process and progression to your final submission. Don’t forget that you are encouraged to ask for feedback and offer comments to others. This challenge is meant to be interactive and fun!

If you haven’t started yet, you’ve got three weeks left!

Join the challenges

Getting Started

Have you been thinking of joining but don’t know where to begin? Here are a couple tips and techniques that challengers have been using to help get the ball rolling.

Get your ideas together by brainstorming diagrams or putting together mood boards.

This can include shapes, textures, materials, history, locations or any other kinds of references that come to mind when forming your concept. The best part is that as long as it fits within the theme, the design is completely up to you and your imagination!

Explore variations and different silhouettes.

Making a bunch of quick sketches to explore different shapes can help you get your ideas out visually. Then, you may want to narrow down your choices based on what you like best and which characters compliment each other most.

Use a 3D reference or rendering to paint over.

Just because you might be stronger working in 3D doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to challenge yourself in entering the concept challenges if you want to. After all, ArtStation Challenges are meant to be an opportunity to learn and improve your skills. Laying out your environment in 3D may also help anyone who might have issues in painting with perspective.

Don’t be afraid to be grab from all kinds of worlds for inspiration and make it uniquely your own.

In fact, it’s encouraged! Thinking of a backstory for each character will help you develop them with complexity and depth. Think of details in your design and the reason behind them.


The Concept Art phase of the challenge ends March 13, 2017.

The Production phase of the challenge begins March 13, 2017 and ends May 8, 2017.

Good luck!

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About the author

Sierra is the Editor of ArtStation Magazine.