With Guildford Castle VR, we aimed to produce the most comprehensive and immersive historical VR experience yet created, transporting our users through space and time to one of England’s first castles. On the artistic front, we were determined to push both the scale and visual fidelity of our environments far beyond what had been done before. The project had two major aims: to recreate a photorealistic “digital double” of the castle as it stands today and to digitally rebuild various past states of both the castle and medieval town in an historically accurate, freely explorable open world format.
This ambitious scope required the input of a very wide and talented team of artists and developers, who were instrumental in overcoming significant technical and artistic challenges. These included the creation of large scale, optimised, delit photogrammetry assets, the creation of extremely dense, realistic, VR optimised foliage and the translation of hundreds of hours of research into historically accurate, visually compelling 3D environments, from detailed interiors to naturalistic open landscapes.
The successful completion of this project was overwhelmingly a team effort and would never have been possible without such a highly motivated group of artists. The attention to detail from each member of the team was incredible and is reflected in the diverse range of artwork showcased below.
Many thanks for taking a moment to view, we are delighted for the opportunity to share the team’s amazing contributions in this Art Blast!
Jake Nixon, CEO and Data Capture Lead, Historic VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
Anthony Motto – Environment/Photogrammetry Artist – Historic VR — Guildford Castle VR
VR & AR Week Historic VR Q&A: April 20, 10:00 – 11:00 AM ET
Don’t miss your chance to ask Historic VR‘s Jake Nixon, Jurand Macioszczyk, Sorana-Elena Corbu, and Béla Csampai your questions live during this special Q&A. Historic VR is a VR production company focused on creating immersive, narrative-driven, real-time experiences of historical sites. Using the power of virtual reality, they recreate environments to unprecedented levels of fidelity with the feeling of “being there”. Through their meticulous historical reconstructions and interactive narratives, they open a virtual portal to the past, transporting you to remote historical periods and bringing the unique history of each site to life.