Inktober 2017: Week 2 Highlights

Check out the highlighted Inktober picks from this week on ArtStation!

Want to join on the experience? To participate in the Inktober Challenge, simply upload your daily ink artwork on ArtStation and tag it with Inktober2017 for the month of October.

Find out more about it here.

Tomi Dzurovski

Lucas Santos

Glen Southern

John Polidora

Anna Anikeyka

Irina Nordsol Kuzmina

Leigh Kellogg

Kristina Djenadic

Moussa Sleiman

Xuyc 00

Chloé Kesshoo

Romain Leguay

Erick Altensleben

Daniel Landerman

Elena Kozlova

Johan Prinsloo

David Müller

Vincent Bryant

Gaston S. Garcia

Henning Kaiser

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About the author

Sierra is the Editor of ArtStation Magazine.