Gnomon Event: 3D Concept Design with Gurmukh Bhasin

Learn about the art of 3D concept design at Gnomon on Thursday, February 23rd, at 7:30 PM (PST), as Gurmukh Bhasin reveals his workflow for crafting hard-surface vehicles. Gurmukh will share his approach to vehicle design using Maya, MoI 3D, KeyShot, and Photoshop. Discover how to incorporate real-world construction techniques, manufacturing constraints, material properties, functionality, and storytelling to help ground concept designs in reality, and create something relatable to your audience. Gurmukh is an architect-turned-3D-concept-designer living in Los Angeles and is best known for his 3D vehicle design contributions to Star Citizen while at Cloud Imperium Games.
Meet Gurmukh, get inspired, and brush up on your Maya techniques at the Gnomon stage. RSVP to attend for free; seating is on a first-come-first-served basis, so be sure to arrive in good time to secure your place in line. Alternatively, follow along on Livestream and ask questions during the live event using #gnomon on Twitter.
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm: 3D Concept Design Workflow: Vehicle Creation with Gurmukh Bhasin
Guest Speaker
Gurmukh Bhasin – 3D Concept Designer
Gurmukh’s addiction to adventure and all that is creative was fostered at a young age. His work draws from his life experiences and provides constant inspiration as he continues to explore the untapped intersections between reality and imagination. While immersing himself in architecture for many years, Gurmukh eventually discovered that histrue passion lies in concept design. He is constantly examining new ways to merge traditional and contemporary design techniques when creating surreal and often times un-earthly environments, architecture, vehicles, and props, and is always on the lookout for opportunities to play a significant design role in multiple creative fields.