Riot Games Neeko the Curious Chameleon Art Blast

The Champion Team is excited to welcome our newest addition to Summoner’s Rift—Neeko, the Curious Chameleon. From early in development, we wanted the one hundred and forty second Champion to be vibrant in both colour and personality. Her artists found deep inspiration in nature and high fantasy characters; weaving together whimsical and reptilian elements with a vastaya twist.
With Neeko coming out in December we saw an opportunity to do something really special for our players. Integrating her release with our annual winter Snowdown event created a unique opportunity for a powerful synergy between the Champion and Skins development teams.
Creating champions requires a combined effort from so many unique individuals, and we’re excited to share a small behind-the-scenes look of what it took to bring Neeko to our players. We hope you enjoy this sneak peek at how Neeko came to be. See you on the Rift!
Sean-Paul Manning
Art Director
Riot Games