Twinmotion Inspiration Week: Five Days of Real-Time Excellence

From urban planners to architects, an increasing number of AEC professionals are turning to game engine technology to showcase their design ideas.

Twinmotion is a real-time tool powered by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine that’s fast becoming the go-to option for those looking to quickly create images, videos, and immersive experiences.

Trading on the fact that no CG experience is required to get started, it’s an attractive option for designers and architects who need a way to communicate ideas but don’t have the time to spend years learning complicated software.

To showcase what’s possible with the tool, Twinmotion created Twinmotion Inspiration Week. Every day, Twinmotion revealed some of the most impressive projects that have been created with the tool, spanning architecture, interior design, landscaping, urban planning, and beyond.

We’ve rounded up their posts here so you can check out some of the most innovative real-time projects and get inspired!

Twinmotion Inspiration Week, Day One: Architecture

A showcase of the most impressive real-time visualizations of architecture created using Twinmotion this year.

Image Courtesy of Anh Pham

See it here >

Twinmotion Inspiration Week, Day Two: Interiors

Real-time visualizations of interior scenes that reveal what’s possible with the right lighting, shadows, and effects.

Image courtesy of Joel Guerra

See it here >

Twinmotion Inspiration Week, Day Three: Landscaping

Stunning real-time landscaping projects.

Image courtesy of Renderlounge

See it here >

Twinmotion Inspiration Week, Day Four: Urban planning

A compelling collection of urban planning visualizations created by talented Twinmotion users.

Image courtesy of SHAU

See it here >

Twinmotion Inspiration Week, Day Five: Beyond AEC

An impressive array of Twinmotion real-time visualizations that span everything from viking longhouses to alien planets.

Image courtesy of Alhussain Shaker

See it here >

If you want to start creating real-time scenes like these yourself, you can get Twinmotion today.

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