Marmoset Viewer Released

Image credit: Adramelzon by Lance Wilkinson

Marmoset has released its new version of Toolbag 2.07, which also includes export to the new Marmoset Viewer WebGL format. ArtStation & Marmoset have teamed up to bring you Marmoset Viewer support on ArtStation.

Marmoset Viewer offers physically accurate rendering coupled with image-based lighting and advanced shaders. Marmoset Viewer faithfully reproduces Toolbag’s in-application look and features for top notch render quality.

Getting Started with Marmoset Viewer
Marmoset Viewer

Recent Marmoset Viewer works on ArtStation

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 5.11.51 PM

Adramelzon by Lance Wilkinson


Captain America by Kazuya Matsumura

LMG by Michal Kubas

LMG by Michal Kubas

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About the author

Leo is the CEO of ArtStation.