Join ArtStation Fashion Week 2022

From February 14th to 18th, discover fashion artists from around the world and learn about opportunities in the fashion industry at ArtStation Fashion Week 2022. We have an exciting live-event schedule on the horizon—including an exclusive Marvelous Designer tutorial premiering on our YouTube channel, a free live drawing session hosted by Drawing Cabaret Couture, and live Q&A sessions on ArtStation Blogs.

Prepare for the event by uploading your Fashion & Costume Design projects today!

Upload a Fashion Project

Follow the Fashion & Costume Design channel to keep up with the latest projects being posted during the week. Go here and click follow in the top right corner of the “Fashion & Costume Design” button in the channel row to add it to your homepage.



How do I upload my work to the Fashion & Costume Design Channel?

When uploading or editing a project from your portfolio manager, scroll down to the “Subject Matter” section of the page. Add “Fashion & Costume Design” to your project with the search bar.

How do I participate in live Q&As?

Head to the artists’ ArtStation Blogs pages, linked below in the live event schedule.

ArtStation Fashion Week 2022 Live Events

Live Q&As on ArtStation Blogs

Ask artists working in fashion your questions, live on ArtStation Blogs!

Pauline Boiteux (Substance by Adobe) – Friday Feb. 18th – 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ET

Pauline is a texturing artist based in France with a great love for patterns and fabrics. She previously worked as a material artist for Louis Vuitton and is now part of the Substance by Adobe Content Team creating all sorts of beautiful materials for artists.

Link to Pauline’s blog >

Lui Larocheski and Christina Lalch (Valaclava) – Friday Feb. 18th – 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ET

Lui Larocheski (Managing Director and 3D Fashion Designer at Valaclava) and Christina Lalch (3D Fashion Designer at Valaclava) will be live answering your questions about their studio and digital fashion on ArtStation Blogs.

Link to Valaclava’s blog >

VF Corporation (VANS, The North Face, Timberland, Dickies) – Friday Feb. 18th – 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET

Join Safir Bellali, Sr Director/Advanced Digital Creation at VF Corporation, for an informative live Q&A session. Safir helps fuel the long-term vision around digital innovation for VF’s portfolio of brands (Vans, The North Face, Timberland, Dickies…).

Link to VANS blog >

Jessie Kate Bui, Gwyn Conaway, Maria Ferreira Kercher, and Rebecca “Beki” Black-Gliko (Talking Threads, Design Studio Press) – Friday Feb. 18th – 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET

Talking Threads: Costume Design for Entertainment Art, backed by decades of experience of five industry professionals, provides an in-depth exploration of these functions and format considerations to equip artists with the necessary knowledge and mindset to develop strong, narrative-informed costume designs. Join authors Jessie Kate Bui, Gwyn Conaway, Maria Ferreira Kercher and Rebecca “Beki” Black-Gliko for a special Q&A.

Link to Design Studio Press blog >

Easy Techwear Tutorial with Marvelous Designer

Premiering on ArtStation’s YouTube channel Feb. 16th – 4:00 p.m. ET

In this tutorial with 3D Designer and Marvelous Designer Community Manager Megan, you’ll learn how to get started with making clothes in Marvelous Designer. You’ll learn how to make shirts from scratch and transform them into a sweatshirt and jacket. Megan will also demonstrate how to edit a pair of pants to give them a different style. During the video premiere, Megan will be answering your questions posted in the video’s live chat.


Virtual Live Drawing Class with Drawing Cabaret Couture

Thursday Feb. 17th – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

Join Drawing Cabaret Couture and CSM students Jiaxi Wang and Tasnim Chowdhury as they showcase two of their incredible futuristic looks in a two-hour-long online drawing class. The session features a bespoke set design by Matthew Lawrence, artist and co-founder of Drawing Cabaret Couture. Modeling is provided by the professional dancers and models of J’adore La Vie.

Register on Eventbrite >

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