Reviews & Ratings on the ArtStation Marketplace

We’re excited to announce a long-awaited feature on the Marketplace that enables buyers to provide feedback on a product with ratings and reviews.

Ratings and reviews can enhance customer service, improve trust, and increase sales for sellers while giving potential customers more confidence in buying a product and a voice to share their experience with other users.

How to Add a Review

To add a review for a product you’ve purchased on the Marketplace, go to your Library and select the product you would like to review.


When filling out your rating and review information, remember that you are providing feedback for the seller of the product as well as giving more information for users who are considering whether or not to buy. Recommending a product that you enjoyed can help the artist who created it to sell more.

Leave a Review

Only users who bought the product on the ArtStation Marketplace will be able to leave a review.

Managing and Responding to Reviews

As a seller, you can view and manage all reviews your products receive from the new Ratings & Reviews section of the Manage Store panel.

From there, you can reply directly to buyer reviews and easily sort them by product and rating.

Go to Manage Ratings & Reviews.


Can buyers edit their reviews?

Yes. A buyer can edit reviews at any time.

Can sellers delete reviews?

No. While sellers will not be able to hide, edit, or delete any reviews, they can respond to reviews and try to resolve any issue with the buyer to get them to edit their review.

Can anyone reply to reviews?

Only the seller of the product can reply to the product review.  However, other users can upvote or downvote reviews based on how helpful or relevant they believe they are.

If I had a problem with my product, should I mention it in the review?

We recommend reaching out to the seller directly to try to resolve it before leaving a negative review. To privately message a seller about a Marketplace purchase, simply go to the product in your Library and click on the Message button from there.

Why can’t I review a product if I bought it on another platform?

ArtStation only allows verified buyers on the platform who have the product in their library to leave a rating or review to ensure the reviewer has had experience with the product being sold.

Got feedback? If you have any questions or suggestions about the Marketplace, please contact us at

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