Riot Games League of Legends: Pantheon, Senna and Aphelios Animation Art Blast

Hi everyone! The Champion team is excited to welcome you to our end of year Art Blast. This time, we want you to experience the step-by-step process we use to take champions from initial concept to what we see in game. It’s truly been one of our most exciting years, we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have.

Danny Kim
Associate Art Director, Riot Games



We are pleased to share a sample of the animations the Champions team has created at the end of 2019. This quarter saw two new champions enter the Rift, Aphelios and Senna, and one updated champion, Pantheon. The approach for new champs and updates can be quite different from an animation perspective. An update needs to retain some of the aspects that make an existing champ feel like themselves in game, while building on that in new and exciting ways.

For Pantheon that meant a sturdy warrior that uses his lightning quick spear and shield to dispatch his foes. Trying to retain that old Pantheon feel while making him stronger and weightier, and also diving further into his character as an unwavering champion of the gods. Visually his skills and movement feel much more satisfying and solid, and help support the tone of a soldier with a lifetime of experience.

A new champ explores movement for a completely unique experience, which widens the range of opportunity drastically, while still being bound by the limits of design and personality. Senna and Aphelios presented their own unique challenges. One wields an enormous gun, both heavy and effortless at the same time. The other, a master gunswap, fluidly moving between stances with expert precision.

Focusing on Tech Art, we work side-by-side to design characters with a unique look and feel. They’re the ones creating the controls and joints for our animators to bring life to the champions. For those interested in more of the technical side of art, we hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes look from our team.

Congratulations to everyone who played a part in realizing these awesome champions. Their dedication and talents are what truly bring them to life.

Drew Morgan
Animation Lead


Luke Hu – Animator

Joe DiLallo – Senior 2 Technical Artist


Adam Turnbull – Animator

Dawon Lee – Technical Artist


Antony Jang – Animator


Frank Mueller – Senior 2 Technical Artist

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About the author

Daniel is the Industry Manager for ArtStation.