Gnomon releases Introduction to Maya 2016

The Gnomon Workshop has released Introduction to Maya 2016, a comprehensive guide to the industry-standard 3D package, recorded by Maya expert Eric Keller.
For those new to Maya, Keller runs through the software’s core functionality – modelling, texturing, animation and rendering – exploring how each tool is best used in a professional workflow.
Maya veterans also get an introduction to the new features in version 2016 of the software, particularly the workflows made possible by the Modeling Toolkit and new sculpting tools.
The video, which runs for over 11 hours, also explores Maya 2016’s redesigned Hypershade, and the new colour management, UV and rendering options.
Introduction to Maya 2016 is available from The Gnomon Workshop as a digital download, price $69.
Read more about Introduction to Maya 2016 on The Gnomon Workshop’s website