Ubisoft – The Division Collaborative Fan Art Project

Ubisoft has launched a unique collaborative fan art project inspired by the world of Tom Clancy’s The Division.

What if a devastating pandemic was sweeping across Canada? What would our country look like in the midst of all this chaos? You will have the chance to tell that story.

More information

Contribute to the vision of Canada in chaos by visiting FallofCanada.ca and selecting scenes from the storyboard that inspire you. Create a piece of fan art to bring your vision to life and it could appear in the final collaborative video. The end goal: creating an entire story of the fall and rise of Canada made entirely by fans!

By participating, you’ll have a chance to win up to $5,000 and a generous Tom Clancy’s The Division prize pack! So grab your pencils, your graphics tablet, your computer or whatever your artistic weapon of choice may be, and start creating!

The Division Art Challenge

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